




    本文研究中使用的激光换能片,其结构设计为一套包括了约束层、吸收层、保护层和药液盒的一体化“插片”,总厚度约1.3 mm,直径约12 mm,换能片的设计结构紧凑、易于符合临床上的一次性使用要求,方便装卸,便于批量生产,适合于无损伤皮下微量给药用途。


    毕业论文关键词  激光冲击波(激光压力波、光机械波)等离子体 激光换能片 力学效应


    Title   Study of Mechanical effects of laser shock wave and its influencing factors                                                            


    This paper passing through experiments study on mechanical efficiency of a kind of laser transducing sheet. The transducing sheet can convert laser energy into shock wave. This experiment is as a basis for the laser transdermal administration. Shock wave through the liquid coupling transfer to the skin. There will be a micro-channel. It can temporarily overcome the skin stratum corneum barrier. It can make the liquid through the stratum corneum into the skin within a short time and realize the transdermal drug delivery, this is the principle of the laser transdermal delivery.

    For the different laser transducer film, to make laser blast to achieve better mechanical effects, Need to experiment with different combinations of parameters Including laser energy, the laser spot size, the liquid cartridge aperture, the liquid cell thickness and other parameters, Each parameter can influence mechanical effects of the transducer film.

    The laser convergent lens with focal length of 150mm used in this experiment, we fixed defocus degree sequentially and change laser energy to do the test of laser impact force. The results of test data show us, When the defocus degree is small(0~-20mm), Amplitude of the impact force increase as the laser energy density and saturation. Specific performance, when we fixed the spot size, As the increasing of laser pulse energy, amplitude of the impact force gradually increase to a peak and then will not longer increased significantly. When defocused degree is large(-80mm~-90mm),there will be a oscillation of the Impact force amplitude increasing when we add the laser energy( No saturation trends).

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