

    毕业论文关键词    柔性体  碰撞  建模  仿真


    Title    The Impact dynamics of a rotating flexible beam with friction                                          

    Abstract As the developments of technology, the flexible body impact becomes common in the field of modern engineering. Since this impact would have serious influence on the stability of the systems, the impact dynamics of flexible body systems has become one of the most challenging research topics in the field of dynamics. Because of the short time duration, large intensity, strong nonlinearity, highly coupling, and numerical difficulties of the impact process, establishing the correct impact dynamics model is the key to solve the problem. The rotating flexible beam is a simple model. Based on the rigid-flexible coupling dynamic approach of flexible body system and the impact dynamic modeling theory, the research on the dynamic modeling theory and numerical simulation for the global rigid-flexible coupling dynamics of flexible body systems with impact is presented in this dissertation. The research also expands the study on impact, considered the friction effect on the system during the impact.

    Keywords  Flexible body  Impact  Simulation  Modeling

    目  次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  工程背景 1

    1.2  柔性体碰撞动力学进展 1

    1.3  数学工具和力学理论基础 4

    1.4  本课题工作 5

    2  柔性梁刚柔耦合动力学建模 6

    2.1  力学模型 6

    2.2连续接触力法碰撞动力学求解 10

    3  使用连续接触力法碰撞动力学仿真 15

    3.1  软件介绍 15

    3.2  运动计算分析 15

    结  论 21

    一、仿真分析 21

    二、工作总结 21

    三、问题与展望 21

    致  谢 23

    参 考 文 献 24

    1  绪论

    1.1  工程背景


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