    毕业论文关键字:高纯锗探测仪    低放稀土渣    外照射剂量    放射性核素
    Low level of acid-soluble residue treatment and disposal          
             of radioactive rare earth Study
    School of Environmental and Biological Engineering, Radiation Protection and Environmental Engineering Major   
    Instructor:Lu, Jiaqi
    Abstract: China's rare earth reserves the appropriate size of its rich mining and processing industry is also relatively large. Rare radioactive substances are not only likely to cause radioactive contamination of air , surface water and groundwater environment and staff have long been engaged in this area will have some impact . Meanwhile, China's rare earth waste management is still at the initial stage , a lot of problems to be studied. So estimation and measurement of external dose of rare earth residue is particularly important . External radiation dose and exposure time law model in this paper , mainly through the study of acid-soluble rare earth and rare earths slag and slag and slag rare . By two months of the experiment was concluded rare external dose different models generated slag greatly different, mainly related to the contact surface model ; contact distance and the irradiation time are related , wherein the irradiation condition of the same model from the same The longer the time the greater the dose , the same as the same irradiation dose irradiation time, the smaller the greater the distance . Factors which influence exposure time as the main factor . So out of consideration for the health of the staff , under different circumstances should be based on the actual situation of the working hours of staff should make reasonable arrangements .
    Key words: high-purity germanium detector   Low-level radioactive rare earth residue External radiation dose   Radionuclide
       目  录
    1  绪论    5
    1.1  我国稀土工业概况    5
    1.1.1什么是稀土元素    5
    1.1.2我国稀土矿的分布及其发展类型    6
    1.1.3我国稀土工业的发展及其状况    8
    2  实验仪器及实验内容    8
    2.1 实验仪器及其说明    9
    2.1.1 高纯锗γ能谱仪    9
    2.1.2热释光剂量读出器    11
    2.2 实验内容简述    13
    2.2.1 实验可行性分析    13
    2.2.2 实验内容    13
    2.2.3 实验流程图    13
    2.3 外射剂量估算公式    14
    3  实验步骤与结果分析    15
    3.1实验步骤    16
    3.2实验数据分析    16
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