



    毕业论文关键词  清洁解控  放射性废水  硅藻土  活性炭



    Title   Study on radioactive reduction technology for rare earth wastewater  by using inorganic adsorbents                               


        Radioactive waste cleaning solution of control level is determined to realize, which is more in line with the clean and safe solution control requirements and can effectively reduce the radioactivity of rare earth smelting waste water technology is the key to promote the further development of rare earth industry an important tool for the management of radioactive waste minimization.    

        Direct wastewater concentrated on two this paper explores the diatomite and activated carbon adsorbent to reduce the rare-earth wastewater of radioactive level of effective operation method. The experiments with purified diatomite and acid modified activated carbon adsorption, and the adsorption temperature of diatomite and activated carbon adsorption effect. Finally comes to the conclusion that the temperature is 40 DEG C, solid to liquid ratio is 1 (g): 50 (ml), and keep stirring conditions can be the greatest degree of play of Diatomite on radioactive waste water adsorption performance. The conditions after diatomite adsorption extraction wastewater of alpha radioactivity decrease for original 81.4%, beta radioactivity decrease 89.1% of the original; at a temperature of 60 DEG C, solid to liquid ratio is 1 (g): 50 (ml), and keep stirring conditions can be the greatest degree of play activated carbon on radioactive waste water adsorption properties. Under the conditions after activated carbon adsorption waste water extraction of alpha radioactivity decreases 40.9% of the original, beta radioactivity decreased 25.7% of the original

        Studies have shown that by using diatomite, activated carbon the two adsorbents of rare earth smelting wastewater for absorption of radioactivity, is expected to simplify the saponification of extraction wastewater treatment of traditional process model, become more in line with the technology of clean and safe solution control requirements.

    Keywords  Cleaning solution control   Radioactive waste water   Diatomite   Activated carbon

    目  录

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