

    Abstract With the development of geographic information systems, and its comprehensive cartographic requirements increasingly high cartographic generalization become evaluate geographic information system performance merits an important indicator. Cartographic generalization system not only have to face a large number of space-time GIS data, but also need the knowledge and experience of experts in drawing, which is an integrated system and general cartographic GIS software distinction, a key GIS integrated system that contains many graphics and expert knowledge the quality of the pros and cons, depending on the map represents a comprehensive knowledge of the system and the organization of its formal symbol drawing law carried out, and also depends on the rational use of computers, knowledge of the database structure. Wetlands are one of mankind's most important landscape ecological living environment and the natural world richest biopersity on the planet is one of the most important ecosystems. Thereby protecting the health of the wetland is particularly important. Vegetation coverage as an important ecological parameters and quantitative indicators to measure the vegetation cover and growth, which accurately obtain soil and water conservation plant transpiration and soil moisture wetland ecological environment detection wetlands evaporation play an important role. Thus, the vegetation coverage estimate wetland vegetation research and related areas of great significance.

    毕业论文关键词:湿地; 湿地植被覆盖度;综合制图;遥感技术

    Keyword: Wetlands; Wetland vegetation coverage; Integrated Mapping;Remote Sensing Technology

    1 引言 4

    1.1 国内外研究现状 5

    1.2 论文基本框架 6

    2 研究区域和数据 8

    2.1 研究区域 8

    2.2 研究数据 8

    2.2.1 基础数据 8

    2.2.2 高分辨率遥感数据 9

    3 研究目标及技术路线 10

    3.1 研究目标 10

    3.2 技术路线 10

    4 研究方法 12

    4.1 底图的选择 12

    4.2 影像的预处理 12

    4.3 影像的分类 12

    4.4 湿地信息提取 13

    4.5 数据转换 13

    4.6 地图整饰 15

    5 结果和分析

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