

    毕业论文关键词  镉  活度  高纯锗探测器  比对  


    Title  The Comparative Experiments of Activity Measurement under The Conditions of Low Activity Levels


        In recent years, The Measurement of The Activity of radioactive in soil Has become the focus of public attention.And Apparently,the accuracy of measurement has caused for more concern than before. So it is very important that selecting environmental soil samples under The Conditions of Low Activity Levels for activity measurement and comparing the measurement results with the other laboratory’s.In order to test the performance of the instrument and improve the capabilities of surveyors in measurement and analysis to environmental γ radionuclides sample,in this experiment,select the radioactive 109Cd which has low characteristic γ-ray energy(88.03keV)as the measurement object.Measuring with the HPGe Detector.Then Calculate and compare with the measurement results. Calculation and comparison results show that the measurement results is quite accurate compared with the standard value.

    Keywords  Cadmium  Activity  HPGe Detector  Compare

    目  次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 本课题的目的及意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状分析 2

    2 标准源的制备 3

    2.1109Cd放射性溶液 3

    2.2放射源制备 3

    3 低活度水平条件下活度测量 4

    3.1 测量仪器简介 4

    3.1.1 高纯锗探测器工作原理 6

    3.1.2高纯锗材料 7

    3.1.3探测器的使用范围 7

    3.1.4使用注意点和维护 8

    3.1.5仪器型号 8

    3.2 实验方法及步骤 9

    3.2.1 比对核素参数及比对样品 9

    3.2.2放射性核素测量方法 10

    3.3 测量结果与讨论 13

    3.3.1 测量数据 13

    3.3.2 数据处理 14

    3.3 比对结果评价 17

    致 谢 19

    参考文献 20

     1 绪论

    1.1 本课题的目的及意义


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