    Analysis of Ethical Norms on Entertainment News
    - Taking Tencent and Other Media Stopped WangFei in Halfway in 2013 for an Example
    Abstract: With the development of media technology, media step into an age of convergence and integration. Under the big social background of meeting the audiences’ needs of spiritual information, the phenomenon of journalistic ethics anomie rises at times among entertainment media. The thesis tries to analyze the current ethical norms from the matter of media like Tencent stopped WangFei in halfway after she had declared her devoice in 2013. The result shows that the disorder of the media’s reports and the confusion of their values lead to the social responsibility of the media be questioned, which has a serious impact on the credibility of the entertainment media. Therefore, further analysis of countermeasures for news ethical construction are needed and are good for forming the entertainment journalist journalism ethics, which makes the entertainment journalists weigh the various interests objectively and helps them establish a lofty journalistic ethics moral responsibility and correct thinking and behavior inconsistent with the news ethical.
    Key Words: media convergence; ethical standards; personal moral ; entertainment news; audience
    目    录

    摘  要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、娱乐新闻伦理规范的要求    2
    (一)真实、客观、准确、公正    2
    (二)社会责任,人文关怀    3
    二、娱乐新闻伦理规范缺失的表现    4
    (一)无道德底线的娱乐新闻报道    4
    (二)媒体过度侵犯个人隐私    5
    (三)盲目迎合受众的娱乐需求    6
    三、娱乐新闻伦理规范缺失的原因    6
    (一)我国媒体法制建设不完善    7
    (二)媒体为了独家报道希望名利双收    7
    (三)记者道德素养缺失和媒体“把关”不足    8
    四、娱乐新闻伦理失范解决的方法    9
    (一)加强媒体的监管机制建设    9
    (二)强化娱乐新闻行业内部自律    10
    (三)构建公众人物隐私权的保护制度    11
    参考文献    13
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