    Analysis of Melatonin Brand Advertising Strategy
    Abstract:In recent years, with the advantages of its own advertising strategy, Melatonin remains the leader in the health food industry. This paper sets the advertising strategy of Melatonin as the research object. At first, it gives an overview introduction on Melatonin, and analyzes its successful advertising strategy, such as giving priority to TV media and other advertising media, attaching great importance to the integrated marketing concept, main emotional appeal advertisement, adopt "surrounding the cities from the rural areas" strategy and so on. Thus, it focuses on the analysis of some existing problems of advertising strategies in the process of its development, such as unclear orientation of product function, advertising broadcast frequency, lack in advertising credibility and creativity. At last, this paper suggests some advertising strategy against the problems in the future development of Melatonin, such as clear positioning of the product features, reasonably adjust the frequency of broadcasting time, good creative advertising form and improving the credibility and so on.
    Key words:Melatonin;advertisement;advertising strategy
    目        录

    摘    要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、脑白金品牌概述    2
    二、脑白金品牌的广告策略成功因素分析    3
    (一)以电视媒体为主    3
    (二)重视整合营销传播理念    4
    (三)主打感性诉求广告    5
    (四)采用“农村包围城市”的区域策略    6
    三、脑白金品牌的广告策略存在的问题    7
    (一)产品功能定位不清    7
    (二)广告播出频率过高    8
    (三)广告创意单一    9
    (四)广告的可信度不高    10
    四、脑白金品牌的广告策略的改进之道    11
    (一)明确产品功能定位    11
    (二)合理调整广告播出频率    12
    (三)做有创意的好广告    13
    (四)提高广告可信度    14
    参考文献    16
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