


    毕业论文关键词  弹幕  视频网站  交互传播  弹幕电影

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    Bullet Screen: A New Video Communication mode --From Communication Vision                           


    “Bullet screen,” or “dan mu” in Chinese, is one of the latest online video site with social interactivity which allows viewers to type comments to zoom across the screen like bullets. With its high-speed information sharing, this new type of videos emerges as a new mode and leads the communication trend under the new media age. Along with a massive rise of websites and players supporting it, bullet screen video updates the human way of appreciating films and other network videos.

    The thesis views this new trend from communication vision, briefly introduces the origination of a bullet screen video and its current situation. Comparing it to traditional network videos, the thesis essentially analyzes a serious features of bullet screens—including immediate viewers response, specific and strengthened content, and the less restrictions for users and rules for comments(which promise this newest interactive communication mode could lead to a new trend of online video communication in order to satisfy audiences keen for various kinds of culture needs) etc. The thesis estimates the communicate efficiency of bullet screen videos and points out its great effect among niche cyber culture. In the basic of the advantages a bullet screen brings, China is now attempting to introduce this new technology into cinemas. The last part of the thesis mainly describes bullet screen films, which still cause quite amount controversial at present. And list several suggestions for this newest interactive communication mode in future development in the conclusion at the end of the whole paper.

    Keywords  bullet screen  video sharing websites  interactive communication  bullet in films

    目   次

    1 绪论… 1

    2  弹幕——会飞的字幕… 1

    2.1  弹幕起源:由日本到中国… 1

    2.2 弹幕播放器和弹幕网站 3

    3  传播学视角看弹幕的传播特点和效果 4

    3.1  高速交互分享——受众及时反馈 4

    3.2  评论的针对性和碎片化… 5

    3.3  循环叠加下内容的多样性… 7

    4  新兴的弹幕文化 7

    4.1  “二次创作”与“超越” 7

    4.2  共通语境和小众文化 9

    4.3  刀尖上的弹幕视频分享网站——问题尚存 9

    5  弹幕电影:虚拟影院的观影模式 10

    5.1  以互动为目的看电影 10

    5.2  电影院的“互动矛盾”和IRs理论 11

    5.3  引入电影院的弹幕技术… 12

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