    毕业论文关键词  娱乐节目  同质化  模仿  真人秀
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title  A Discussion About Homogenization In China's TV     Entertainment Program And Its Solution                                                   
    Recently in the past few years, the industry of TV entertainment program in our country has begun to develop very fast and TV entertainment program is showing more and more signs of homogenization , which gradually lead to a tardiness in our country's TV entertainment program development. Although there are some mature solutions internationally, they just can't be simply copyed to solve our own particular problem. Homogenization ,like a coin, has two sides .It means while we are imitating foreign successful TV programs, we are tend to copy everything ,from mold to creation methond, even opinions,all is in conventional patterns, nothing so different. This kind of circumstance, results in homogenization competition in TV entertainment program area. This article mainly discussd the condition and countermeasure of TV entertainment program homogenization in our country. First of all, it analyzed the background, meaning and condition of this research project. Secondly ,it explained the condition we talked about above in four aspects combining the theory of TV entertainment program: marriage program, competing reality show, comedy  reality show and musical show. Thirdly, it gave a detaild analyzing of the reasons behind such condition. Finally, targeted on specific problems, it put forward an opinion of how to solve them.
    Keywords  entertainment program  homogenization  imitation  reality show
    目   次
    1  绪论…1
      1.1  研究背景及意义…1
    1.2  研究现状…2
    1.3   本文创新点4
    2  我国电视娱乐节目定义与特点5
    2.1  电视娱乐节目定义…5
    2.2  我国电视娱乐节目特点5
      3  我国电视娱乐节目的同质化现状…7
    3.1  婚恋节目现状…7
    3.2  竞技真人秀节目现状7
    3.3  喜剧真人秀节目现状…7
    3.4  音乐真人秀节目现状…8
    4  电视娱乐节目同质化现象产生的原因9
    4.1  创新管理机制不健全…9
      4.2  版权意识低下9
    4.3  市场环境下收视率的竞争…9
    4.4  原创性人才缺乏10
    5  我国电视娱乐节目同质化的应对策略11
    5.1  整合资源,打造品牌…11
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