    毕业论文关键词:电视娱乐节目; 真人秀; 受众心理
    In this paper, through the development process of the television entertainment, it can be seen that the social influence of the. Audience psychology is an important factor affecting the types of television entertainment programs, with the audience on the program's requirements are getting higher and higher, the producer of the program to meet the audience's taste, and constantly reform and innovation. Through literature review, to outstanding scholars of the article as a reference, through case analysis, in order to reality show "deformation" as an example, the psychological analysis of the audience, is pided into four categories: relieve pressure, vicarious satisfaction, emotional resonance and of beauty pursuit. The program itself is constantly changing, to cater to the audience, which is the reason it can be broadcast for nine years. By such a successful program, to give other reality show program to give a reference. Due to the "Pan entertainment" phenomenon is serious, Hope TV entertainment in the entertainment public at the same time, should pay attention to the content of the program itself, improve the depth of entertainment programs.
    Keyword :TV entertainment program;Reality show;Audience psychology  
    目  录
    绪论    1
    第一章  电视娱乐节目的基本概况    4
    1.1电视娱乐节目的发展历程    4
    1.2电视娱乐节目的社会影响    5
    第二章  湖南卫视《变形计》节目概述    7
    2.1节目诞生背景    7
    2.2节目内容和定位    7
    2.3节目受众的心理状态分析    8
    第三章  适应受众心理——《变形计》节目的变革与创新    11
    3.1形式不断改变    11
    3.2设置悬念    12
    3.3明星效应    13
    第四章  真人秀节目的发展与启示    15
    4.1真人秀节目未来发展    15
    4.2对其他电视娱乐节目的启示意义    15
    结束语    17
    致  谢    18
    参考文献    19
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