    ABSTRACT Microblogging is popular in recent years, a new network forms of communication. Through the microblogging, people can to about 140 words of text updates (on 28 January 2016, the new version of sina Weibo on the part of the user to open the 140 character limit), instant to express and share.
    Microblogging as the breakthrough point of the microblog language. In the first chapter, first of all from the definition and characteristics of, then study language features, in order to explore the microblog language development trend. Followed by the second chapter, mainly through the different language environment of typical examples to show its characteristics were studied in the official microblogging, microblogging V and ordinary users of these three kinds of context to prove. The third chapter is pided into verbal communication, language expression and promote new style three aspects of language in communication. The last chapter through to write micro Bo in vulgar language and violence of expounds the microblog language there is a lack of standard Trends, leading to the independent specification from the Internet users, website norms and government intervention and legal norms in three aspects of the specification micro-blog language, improve the construction of network public discourse space.
    Key words:micro-blog language; characteristics; influence; standardization
    目  录
    第一章  微博和微博语言    1
    1.1微博的定义及其功能    1
    1.2 微博语言的特点    2
    1.2.1微博语言的词语特点    2
    1.2.2微博语言的语体特点    2
    1.2.3微博语言的语法特点    3
    1.3微博语言的发展趋向    4
    第二章 微博语言的传播影响    5
    2.1 推动新兴词汇的传播    5
    2.2 影响语言表达和发展新文体    5
    2.3导致网络语言低俗化    6
    第三章 微博语言环境的特征及分类    9
    3.1 微博的网络语境特征概述    9
    3.2 微博不同语境的特征及例证    9
    3.2.1官方微博    9 重要性    9 严肃性    10 庞杂性    11
    3.2.2 微博大V    11 关注度高    11 煽动性强    12 责任感重    13
    3.2.3普通用户    13 数量多    13 传播快    14
    第四章 网络公共话语空间的规范化建设    16
    4.1 微博语言规范化建设的重要性    16
    4.2 如何规范网络语言环境    18
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