

    毕业论文关键词  网络环境 政府创新管理 微博问政

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  the study of government management innovation under the network environment --- in case of seeking advice on micro bolg                          


    Seeking advice from netizens on micro blog is a way to express netizen’s political views and suggestions for government affairs. At the same time, the government agencies could soliciting public opinion through micro blog. First of all, this paper collect the documents through literature research, which including the government management innovation and the related theory research results of “seeking advice on micro blog”at home and abroad for the newest. We could access to the current situation of government management innovation by domestic literature, and understand the foreign related cases through the translation of foreign literature. At the same time, with the help of network resources, we could know about the hot news of the government innovation in our country. Also, the writer will use the questionnaire investigation to collect college students perception of “seeking advice on micro blog”. Through investigation and study to understand college students’attitudes and suggestions about government innovation management mode, and to investigate their attitudes and opinion about the effect of “seeking advice on micro blog”.Through the above research methods, with data analysis and using SPSS and Excel statistical tools for data statistics and analysis. All in all, we could include that “seeking advice on micro blog”will influence the government management innovation, so as to explore the government that how to use micro blog better in the facing of the network environment, and provide better service for the people ultimately. 

    Keywords  the network environment   seeking advice on micro blog   government management innovation

    目   次

    1 绪论1

    1.1  研究背景和研究意义1

    1.2  国内外“微博问政”的发展现状研究现状1

    1.2.1  国外“微博问政”的发展现状和研究现状1

    1.2.2  国内“微博问政”的研究现状3

    1.3  论文研究内容4

    1.4  论文研究方法5

    1.4.1  文献研究法5

    1.4.2  问卷调查法5

    1.4.3  案例分析法5

    2  “微博问政”的内涵、发展及对政府创新管理的影响5

    2.1  “微博问政”的内涵5

    2.1.1  “微博问政”的定义5

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