
    摘要新媒体环境下,人们的阅读活动变化显著,电子阅读成为一个无时不有、无处不在的现象。本文以电子阅读为主题展开探究,运用宏观概括与微观举证相结合的论述方法、焦点访谈的实证调研手段探讨新媒体时代的阅读变化。由新媒体的定义、分类开始,对其四大特征加以分述;概述使用者在新媒体环境下阅读发生的五个方面的变化,包括阅读动机、阅读时间和场所、阅读内容和载体、阅读方式、阅读反馈和效果;归纳了现今阅读的四个显著特点,即阅读的海量多元和共享、阅读的浅化、碎片化及分众化;最后探究了引起上述阅读行为变化的主客观原因,包含科技发展、大众文化和受众需求三大因素。 68039

    毕业论文关键词  新媒体 受众 浅阅读 碎片化 分众化

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    Research on reading changes under the new media  circumstance                                           


    Under the circumstance of new media, there seems to be an extraordinary change in audience reading, where electronica reading could be seen at all time. Under the theme of electronic reading, it is been probed into that the changes in new media era by using the description method of macro-generalization and microscopic-evidence, combining with the approach of focus group interview. Started from the definition and classification of the new media, the paper clarifies its four features, the changes in five aspects, which are reading motivation, reading time and place, reading content and carrier, reading mode, reading feedback and effect, and summarize the four features of present audience reading, that is, mass and multiple information and data sharing, shallow reading, fragmentation and mass-decentralization. Moreover, the objective and subjective factors like development of science and technology, the mass culture and audience demand which cause changes in audience reading will be explored in this paper.


    Keywords  New media  Audience  Shallow reading  Fragmentation Mass-decentralization  


    1 引言 1

    2 关于新媒体 1

    2.1 新媒体的定义及分类 1

    2.2 新媒体的特征 2

    2.2.1 即时性与交互性 2

    2.2.2 海量性与共享性 3

    2.2.3 多媒体与超文本 3

    2.2.4 个性化与社群化 4

    3 新媒体环境下人们阅读的变化 4

    3.1 阅读动机 4

    3.1.1 阅读动机的大致变化 4

    3.1.2 阅读动机因素的变化 5

    3.2 阅读时间和场所 6

    3.3 阅读载体和内容 6

    3.4 阅读方式 7

    3.5 阅读反馈和效果 8

    4 新媒体时代人们阅读的显著特征及其优缺点 9

    4.1 阅读呈现无限性、共享性与多元化 9

    4.2 阅读呈现移动性和碎片化 10

    4.3 阅读呈现浅层次 10

    4.4 阅读呈现分众化

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