
    摘要:随着社会发展和科技水平的不断进步,互联网在人们的日常生活中被广泛应用,成为生活方式的重要组成部分,它在客观上造就了新媒体传播的语境。我国网民数量庞大,尤其是大学生群体作为社会主义共产事业的接班人,对新媒体传播语境有着更高层次的要求,新媒体已然成为影响和培育大学生价值观的新型载体。大学生在新媒体传播语境下,可以借助新媒体平台对人生和社会进行多元化审视,为此人们对新媒体传播语境的基本特征、对大学生价值观造成影响及原因分析入手,讨论新媒体传播语境对大学生世界观、价值观、人生观的影响,探索新媒体环境下加强大学生价值观教育的途径,这将有利于培养大学生正确的价值观,对推动我国新形势下社会的发展具有一定的借鉴意义。 50115


    The Influence of New Media Communication Context on College Students’ Values

    Abstract: With the development of society and the continuous progress of science and technology,the Internet is widely used in people’s daily life,become an important part of the way of life,it creates a new medium of communication in the context of the new media.A large number of Internet users in China,especially the group of college students as the successors of the Socialist Communist cause,a higher level of requirements for the new media communication context,new media has become a new carrier of the influence and cultivation of College Students’ values.College students in the context of the new media communication,the new media platform can be used to examine the life and the society,to the end,the basic characteristics of the new media communication context,the influence and reason analysis of university students’ values,discuss the influence of the new media communication context on the outlook of life of College Students,exploring the ways of Strengthening College Students’ value education in the new media environment,this will help to cultivate the correct values of College students,to promote the development of the society in the new situation of our country has certain reference significance.

    Key Words: New media;Communication context;College student;Values

    摘  要 1

    Abstract. 1

    一、新媒体传播语境的基本特征 2

    (一)公众话语表达的大众化 2

    (二)公众互动交流的全球化 3

    (三)文化形态传播的多元化 3

    二、新媒体传播语境对大学生价值观的积极影响 3

    (一)拓宽了大学生价值观建构的渠道 3

    (二)丰富了大学生的视野,促使获取正能量 4

    (三)有利于大学生价值观教育主阵地的建设 4

    三、新媒体传播语境对大学生价值观的消极影响 5

    (一)影响大学生价值观的取向 5

    (二)影响大学生政治方向的坚定性 6

    (三)膨胀了大学生的自我意识 6

    四、新媒体传播语境下大学生价值观存在问题的原因 6

    (一)网络中不良信息误导大学生的价值观 6


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