摘 要:随着网络的发展,网络新闻传播在给受众带来便利的同时也带来一系列伦理失范问题,如虚假新闻泛滥,黄色新闻充斥,娱乐化过度,侵权现象严重,人文关怀缺失等。本论文通过文献综述法、案例分析法等研究方法,首先就网络新闻传播过程中出现的伦理失范表现进行论述,分析失范背后的媒体过分追求经济利益、网络把关不严、相关法律法规不健全、网民媒介素养欠缺、社会监督力度不够等原因,从而提出加强从业者自律、完善网络新闻伦理立法、利用技术监管手段以及完善社会监督机制等一系列有效措施,为规范我国网络新闻传播伦理提供有效借鉴。
Research about Countermeasures of the Network News Transmission’s Ethical Anomies
Abstract: With the development of the network, the network news transmission brings convenience to the audience, while a series of ethical anomie issues are also brought to people at the same time , such as the flooding of fictitious news and yellow journalism, excessive entertainment, serious infringement, lack of humanistic care and so on . This article applies the literature review method and the case analysis method to discuss the manifestations of the ethical anomies appeared in the process of the network news transmission, analyzing the reasons of some phenomena which are behind the anomie, for instance, the media pursue economic interests excessively, the control of the network is lax, the relevant laws and regulations are inadequate, the netizens are lack in the media literacy, the social supervision is not strong enough and so forth. Then a series of effective measures are proposed to strengthen self-discipline of the practitioners, perfect the legislation of the network news, use the technical supervision methods and perfect the social supervision mechanism. And all of these measures aim at to provide effective references for standardizing the network news transmission in our country.
Key Words: the network; news transmission; ethical anomie
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、网络新闻传播伦理失范的表现 2
(一)虚假新闻泛滥 2
(二)黄色新闻充斥 2
(三)娱乐化过度 3
(四)侵权现象严重 4
(五)人文关怀缺失 4
二、网络新闻传播伦理失范的原因 5
(一)网络媒体经营压力大,过分追求经济效益 5
(二)网络新闻过分追求时效性,信息“把关”不严 5
(三)网络媒体发展迅速,相关法律法规滞后 6
(四)网民媒介素养不高,社会监督力度不够 6
三、规范网络新闻传播伦理失范的应对之策 7
(一)加强从业者职业伦理教育,增强行业自律 7
(二)健全网络新闻伦理立法,加强政府监管 8
(三)完善网络技术监管手段,过滤屏蔽不良信息 8
(四)提高受众媒介素养,强化社会监督 9
(五)建立专业的网络新闻监督组织,构建第三方监督平台 9
参考文献 11
网络新闻传播伦理失范的应对之策研究 网络新闻传播伦理是指在利用网络媒介进行新闻传播活动时所应遵循的行为规范和道德准则 。在网络新闻传播中,由于传播者的多元化、传受关系的互动性、传受者身份的隐匿性等,在为人们自由的获取信息、传播信息、发表意见提供平台的同时,也使得虚假信息、黄色新闻、新闻侵权等有机可乘。如何正确认识网络新闻传播中出现的伦理失范问题,以及深入全面了解失范背后的诸多原因,是我们做好规范网络新闻传播伦理的题中之义和必然要求。
- 上一篇:网络娱乐新闻现存问题分析
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