    Consumers' traditional TV network copywriting publicity have numbness, the most popular network marketing methods with feature films and micro-film, marketing is about speed, action, convenient, effective, with fast, convenient, action, efficiency marketing objectives and requirements, the micro-film to help enterprises to complete a one-time best marketing purposes. In this study, document analysis to explore the micro-film advertising through social networking sites to share-characteristics quickly detonated issues, issues fermentation fueled concern, and sustained attention to connecting to the micro-film story, Drama situational content planning and production of micro-film allows the brand image of the enterprise products manifested in the plot at all, touched the heart of the micro-film to attract users click watch, to increase the Hit viewing exposure rate, so users can watch more than naturally into the enterprise cultural connotations.
    At content marketing age, the crossover between micro film and ad which break through the limitations of traditional ad implant in both form and content turn to be an irresistible general trend. It will be another phase of ad. In the course of future
    development ,in order to ensure its quality and retain its customers,the standard will become higher and higher. Also it insists on the concordance of
    Marketing Tactics, such as mobilize the netizens’ regards before a preliminary draft
    and institute a coherent propaganda both during the film shooting and after film was
    finished. Micro-film advertising is no longer being a monodrama for advertisers; it
    will become a community event.
    Keywords: micro-film, micro-film advertising, feature
    目 录
    摘要    1
    Abstract    2
    一、绪论.. 4
    (一)选题意义. 4
    (二)研究现状. 4
    (三)研究思路与方法. 6
    二、微电影广告诞生的背景与发展的原因    6
    (一)信息化时代的推波助澜    6
    (二)大众碎片化时间理念的转变    7
    (三)业界人士的大力追捧    8
    三、微电影广告的特点    9
    (一)出人意料的叙事方式    9
    (二)品牌效应的最大化运用    9
    (三)电影情节带动广告营销    10
    (四)以有限的时间发掘无限的商机    10
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