


    Abstract:As China continues to develop, China's status is also increasingly prominent Chinese elements are also more and more attention from all sectors. In a lot of advertising, the use of Chinese elements for the development of advertising undoubtedly inject a lot of new vitality. Where the use of Chinese elements of the student population is also increasing. Therefore, Chinese elements in the College Advertising Art Competition winners are also becoming more common. This thesis on Chinese elements in the College Advertising Art Competition winning performance and the use of the title introduces Chinese forms and manifestations characteristic elements in the College Advertising Art Competition winning works, describes the use of Chinese elements in the College Advertising Art Competition and to specify an example of previous winners, which dominated in 2013 winning entries. Finally, to conclude from the above analysis, indicate elements of the Chinese race winning big wide use of evaluation in the future and highlighted aspects of the use of Chinese elements should be noted in the ad works.

    Keywords:Chinese elements,College Advertising Art Competition,Advertisement, Performance,Usage

                            目   录

    一、前言 4

    二、文献综述 4

    三、概念界定 5

    (一)中国元素 5 

    (二)大广赛 5

    四、中国元素在大广赛获奖作品中的表现形式 6

    (一)传统艺术 6

    (二)中国思想 7

    (三)古代文学 7

    五、中国元素在大广赛获奖作品中的表现特点 8

    (一)参赛形式多平面作品 8

    (二)表现形式多传统艺术 8

    (三)对中国元素理解片面 9

    六、中国元素在大广赛获奖作品中的运用 9

    (一)表现简洁,内涵深厚 9




    结论  14

    参考文献  15

    致谢  16



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