


    Abstract:The original web series have shown a blowout development since 2010.By 2015,with the optimization of the network environment, in the environment of Internet plus ,the original web series have become the darling whom the advertiser sought after .The product placement in original web series has been the trend of the development of advertising in recent years. For advertisers, implanting advertising in the series play costs low but the rate of arrival is high.For the production team of original web series, the advertiser's sponsorship is necessity for them to maintain alive.Whether the combination of these two can achieve a win-win situation, we can be able to know through the final advertising effect.In this paper, we selected a representative original web series "never thought" as the representative case.Through the comparison of advertising implant model and the corresponding audience response in the three quarter's "never thought"  ,we research and analysis on the effect of advertising.And we are going to provide reference for the current network about the development of the placement advertising in the original series  .  

    Keywords:Original web series; Advertising effectiveness ; Suprise; Brand placement;

    目  录

    一、 引言 4

    二、文献综述 4

    (一)关于网络自制剧和植入式广告发展概述 4

    (二)植入式广告研究方法概述 5

    (三)植入式广告和品牌关系概述 5

    三、研究问题 5

    四、研究方法 6

    五、研究过程 6

    (一)《万万没想到》中广告植入模式分析 6

    (二)《万万没想到》中植入式广告效果分析 9

    六、《万万没想到》中植入式广告变化的启示 14

    (一)保持不断创新 14

    (二)保持与消费者的沟通 14

    (三)适量降低对于广告显著度的追求 15

    (四)提高植入品牌同自制剧的契合度 15

    七、不足与改进 15

    (一)研究样本数量不足 15

    (二)结果具有一定主观性 16

    结 语 17

    参考文献 18

    致 谢 19



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