    关键字 木质纤文素 离子液体 液体生物燃料 异戊烯醇
    Title  Ionic liquid Aided Biotransformation of Lignocellulose to Isopentenol                     
    Lignocellulose, as the most abundant renewable carbon resources in the world, is a good candidate for the biosynthesis of biofuels. However, due to the structural reluctance, lignocellulose can hardly be dissolved in common solvents, until the recent development of ionic liquids. Transform lignocellulose into liquid biofuels is of great potential in new energy generation and environmental protection. Isopentenols,such as prenol and isoprenol, are promising advanced biofuels of their energy densities and better combustion efficiencies compared with ethanol. Microbial production of isopentenols has been developed recently via metabolically engineered E. coli. Here we constructed the ionic liquid resistant strain E. coli ILR58 that is able to transform ionic liquid pretreated lignocellulose into Isopentenol.
    Keywords   lignocellulose,ionic liquid, liquid biofuels,isopentenol
    目   次
    第1章 绪论    1
    1.1 异戊烯醇介绍    1
    1.1.1异戊烯醇物理化学性质简介    1
    1.1.2 异戊烯醇在工业中的生产方法及用途    1
    1.1.3 生物法制取异戊烯醇研究概述    1
    1.2 重组E.coli发酵工艺概述    2
    1.3在E.coli中MEP途径介导的生产异戊烯醇的研究    3
    1.4纤文素介绍    4
    1.5离子液体应用于生物质组分溶解及分离    4
    1.5.1离子液体的定义、优势、组成及合成    4
    1.5.2离子液体对纤文素的溶解    4
    1.5.3离子液体溶解纤文素的机理    5
    1.6选题的目的、意义及研究内容    6
    第2章 离子液体耐受菌筛选 Bacillus cereus ILR58    7
    2.1.材料与试剂    7
    2.2实验仪器与设备    7
    2.3培养基制备    8
    2.4方法    8
    2.4.1菌种的筛选    8
    2.4.2菌种的分离    8
    2.5菌种保藏    8
    2.6细菌革兰氏染色    9
    2.7讨论    9
    第3章 构建基因文库    9
    3.1菌种与质粒    9
    3.2 试剂    9
    3.3 培养基    10
    3.4 方法    10
    3.4.1基因组的提取及纯化    10
    3.4.2 PCR扩增    10
    3.4.3 PCR产物检测    10
    3.4.4 Bacillus cereus ILR58基因组DNA的部分酶切及目的片断的回收    11
    3.4.5构建文库    11
    3.4.6重组质粒的筛选    11
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