
    The effect of games on vocabulary learning at primary school Abstract Learning with the games in the vocabulary teaching is now a very effective method. Games can reinforce the learning of vocabulary in the classroom learning, and also enrich the students' class activities. It can help students grow their interest and enthusiasm in learning and involve students as active learners. 

    As we know, vocabulary learning is an important part of learning. However, it is very difficult for many students to learn English vocabulary and concentrate on the vocabulary-learning. Therefore, the application of games is an effective way to improve students’ learning in vocabulary, enhance their concentration and increase their interest in learning English.61298

    This research is a study on the use of games in vocabulary learning. The purpose is to answer whether the games can effectively help the students in the learning of vocabulary as well as promote their interest in vocabulary learning. This researcher selected two classes of grade two for the teaching experiment, one as the experimental class and the other as the control class. The experiment lasted for one month was last a month-long. Both of these two classes used the same way (sound - letter - meaning) in vocabulary learning.  The only difference is that the experimental group used games for additional activities in vocabulary learning. After the experiment, a vocabulary test was carried on and all the data were collected and analyzed. Questionnaire was also done among students. The results of this study showed that the use of games can help students improve the classroom learning interest and strengthen students' vocabulary memory.

    Keywords: Games; vocabulary learning; primary school students


    摘  要将游戏带入词汇课堂是如今英语教学当中非常有效的一种英语教学方式。在教学中,通过一些游戏,充实了学生在课堂的学习内容,同时丰富了学生的课堂活动,从学生的兴趣和积极性入手,构建以学生为主体的趣性教学形式。



    毕业论文关键词: 游戏;词汇学习;小学生


    Chapter 1 Introduction 1

    1.1 Background of the research 1

    1.2 The significance of the research 1

    1.3 Organization of the thesis 2

    Chapter 2 Literature review 3

    2.1 Vocabulary learning in second language classroom 3

    2.1.1 The concept of vocabulary 3

    2.1.2 The importance of vocabulary in second language classroom 3

    2.1.3 Vocabulary instruction strategies

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