


    毕业论文关键词  驻车制动  电子驻车制动  ECU   CAN总线


    Abstract The system of electronic parking brake, a type of the automobile’s  braking system controlled-by-wire, is a revolution of the conventional vehicle’s braking system. It replaces the traditional hand-brake by electronic breaks. The electronic control unit(ECU) determines the brake force according to the car environment of condition. The EPB system also has additional functions such as function of Hill Starting Aid(HSA).The EPB must be the development direction of the vehicle’s braking system.This text mainly researches on the EPB design of hardware circuits.

    The text introduced the development of the automobile electronics technology first .And then the principle , construction ,function and the development of the EPB was introduced . Then after the structure of the conventional vehicle’s braking system and the GB on parking system and the specific requirements of EPB were analyzed ,the entire program was made. And then the ECU controller, input and output interface, the sensor, and the execution unit was designed successively . The selection and the design of the circuit of the core of ECU, the design of C2 interface , EEPROM and the power-supply module were included in the design of ECU controller .The Design of indicator LED, button and buzzer, the design of CAN bus driver , and the connector’s selection and design were included in the design input and output interface . The design sensor comprises the selection and circuit’s design of a tension sensor, a motor speed sensor and a angle sensor. The execution unit was based on H bridge electrical engineering drive circuit. After the circuit schematic had been designed, the PCB was designed using the DXP.

    Keywords  parking brake, EPB, ECU,  CAN bus,


    1.1 汽车电子技术的发展1

    1.2 电子驻车技术2

    1.2.1 电子驻车技术概述2

    1.2.2 电子驻车的组成及工作原理2

    1.2.3 电子驻车系统的特点2

    1.2.4 电子驻车制动系统的发展3

    1.3 论文主要研究内容3


    2.1 传统驻车制动4


    2.3 电子驻车制动系统的设计要求5

    2.3.1 国家对驻车制动系统的基本要求 5

    2.3.2 电子驻车制动系统的功能要求6

    2.3.3 电子驻车制动系统的技术要求6

    2.4 电子驻车制动系统的整体方案与可行性分析7

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