
    A Brief Analysis of the Application of Cooperative Learning Method to English Writing in Junior High School

    —Under the Background of the New Reform of Curriculum

    Acknowledgements I want to express my appreciation to many people who supported my efforts in writing this paper during the past few months.

    Special thanks go to my supervisor—Ms. . She has been available at all times with helpful advice throughout my whole writing process of the thesis. She has provided me with instructive guidance in modifying the topic, preparing the material pertinent to the topic and writing the thesis, and has paid great patience in reading and revising the entire manuscript. In a word, it is her profound knowledge and insight, constant strictness and kind understanding that help me overcome many difficulties, master basic writing skills, and form my own ideals, which consequently have enabled me to finish this thesis. 70446

    In addition, I want to give my heartfelt thanks to my dear friends who have accompanied me throughout the four years in the university, sharing sadness and happiness with me and teaching me a lot. I should give thanks to those whose ideal or work has been adopted in this thesis.

    Abstract Under the background of the new reform of educational curriculum, based on the cooperative learning, this paper discusses the implementation and application of the cooperative learning strategy in English writing classes in junior high schools. 

    On one hand, the application of the cooperative learning method could help English teachers in junior high schools to improve the proficiency of students to spell English words, to express themselves correctly and to write English articles logically. On the other hand, the use of this teaching method could help students to improve their non-linguistic competence, including the competence to cooperate with others and to establish interpersonal relationship, as well as their motivation to learn English. So, the author hopes that this paper can help readers to get some enlightenment on how to make the best of the cooperative learning method to improve students’ English writing proficiency.

    Keywords: Cooperative learning method; English writing class; English teaching proficiency





    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 2

    3. Definition of the Cooperative Learning Method 5

    3.1 Definition of cooperation 5

    3.2 Definition of Cooperation Learning 5

    4. Research Methodology 7

    4.1 Research questions 7

    4.2 Research samples 7

    4.3 Research instruments 8

    4.4 Research procedures 8

    5. Application of Cooperative Learning Method to English Writing in Junior High School

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