摘 要:五音戏是在山东省内广为流传的一种地方戏曲,五音戏的发展历史悠久,说到它的诞生大约可以追溯到清代乾隆年间。五音戏诞生于山东省的章丘市,它从诞生到如今大致经历了四个时期,分别是:秧歌腔、周姑子、杂社、五音戏,尤其是周姑子戏时期和五音戏时期是五音戏发展过程中尤为重要的两个时期,这两个时期的发展对五音戏的艺术特征产生了怎样深远的影响?五音戏在发展过程中经历了两次毁灭性的打击,它又是怎样在极为艰难的环境中传承下来的?五音戏是怎样从民间小调演变成为地方戏曲的,其艺术特征演变的过程是怎样的?本文通过五音戏的发展历程、五音戏发展的历史背景等方面进行研究,提出自己的看法,并得出结论。53583
Abstract: Wuyin opera is a local opera which is popular widely in Shandong province. The development of Wuyin opera is long. It is said that Wuyin opera was born in Qian Long year, Qing Dynasty, in Zhangqiu City, Shandong Province. Up to now it has roughly gone through four periods, that is, Yangko tune, Zhouguzi, Zashe and Wuyin opera. Especially, the periods of Zhouguzi and Wuyin opera are two very important stages in the process of Wuyin opera development history. What profound influence did those two periods has in the artistic characteristics of Wuyin opera? It has experienced two devastating blow. Why it can be inherited in such extremely difficult environment? How does it can be from a kind of folk song to become a local opera? What is the evolution process of its artistic characteristics? This article will show the study about Wuyin opera development process and its history background etc. At the end of the study, I will propose my own view, and draw a conclusion.
keywords:Wuyinxi, historical heritage, local opera
目 录
1 前言 4
2 五音戏的发展历程与历史传承 4
2.1 五音戏萌芽——秧歌腔 4
2.2 五音戏的发展——周姑子戏(肘鼓子) 4
2.3 五音戏的过渡时期——杂社 5
2.4 五音戏的定型时期——五音戏时期 6
3 五音戏发展的四个时期其艺术特征的演变 6
3.1 秧歌腔时期五音戏的艺术特征 6
3.2 周姑子戏时期五音戏的艺术特征 7
3.3 杂社时期五音戏的艺术特征 7
3.4 五音戏时期五音戏的艺术特征 8
结 论 10
参考文献 11
致 谢 12
1 前言
2 五音戏的发展历程与历史传承