


    Abstract: The opera "Rigoletto" is one of Verdi's famous works. The influence of the works is very large, works of famous degree can not be separated from the exquisite works of design, but can not be separated from the splendid sings the beautiful home of the aria, the lovely name "as it is wonderful of the aria, the interpretation of classical singer gruberova is many soprano singing home, the pursuit of the realm. The lovely name the first aria was the reason why you know and widely sung, can not be separated from the main reason is the singer gruberova for hero perfect interpretation. So that after watching the audience will always remember this innocence and good heroine, but also to remember this beautiful and talent in a singer Grubberova. This paper from the lovely name writing characteristics, Gruber Petrova's concert features, and she adjusted in the aria of emotional interpretation of analysis and explore its unique singing style and skill, more in-depth understanding of singer gruberova for paintings show features music and artistic expression characteristics.

    Key words:Grubberova, musical, singing feature, writing process, writing characteristic, art performance characterist 


    1  引言

    2 威尔第及歌剧 5

    2.1 歌剧《弄臣》选段《可爱的名字》的简介 6

    2.2《可爱的名字》的创作历程 5

    2.3《可爱的名字》的歌曲旋律分析 6

    3 格鲁贝洛娃演唱《可爱的名字》的艺术特点 7

    3.1  优美的声音 7

    3.2  高超的技巧 7

    3.3  生动的表情 ...          ..7

    4  格鲁贝洛娃演唱的《可爱的名字》的艺术表现特色 8

    4.1 格鲁贝洛娃在内心情感上的处理 8

    4.2 格鲁贝洛娃在肢体语言上的处理      ..8

    结论 10

    参考文献 11

    致  谢 12

    1 引言


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