


    Abstract:Nowadays, with the continuous development and progress of the film industry, function and influence of the soundtrack of the film is more and more important, and in the film important degree is more and more big, this trend of development in modern Hollywood films behave very obvious. Movie music, as the name suggests is the film and the creation of the music, at the same time and the movie broadcast music. So it has a very important role in the film and the atmosphere of the film.Composer Hans Zimmer, maybe it sounds like you would a bit strange, but his works, you must be very familiar with, such as full of power and grandeur of the Pirates of the Caribbean series, "onslaught", "the lion king", the Kill Bill "," Madagascar ", dark grandeur of the bat man: The Dark Knight", "Superman: Iron flesh", Rouqingsishui "holiday", "Pearl Harbor", and confusing the "Pirates of the dream space". These are his outstanding representative works. In Hollywood, by Hans Zimmer as representatives of outstanding soundtrack and movie master representative has almost become a classic, their music to make the film more perfect, let the audience appreciate the movie at the same time, the visual and auditory consistent, reached a high degree of unity, so that the film plot is more vivid, more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

    Keywords: Movies, music, film music, Hans Zimmer


    1  引言 5

    2  电影音乐的概况 5

    2.1  电影音乐的简述 5

    3  汉斯季默的简介 5

    3.1  汉斯季默的生平简介 5

    3.2  汉斯季默的作品简介 6

    4  音乐在电影的重要性 6

    4.1  推动剧情发展 6

    4.2  加深主题思想,奠定影片风格,烘托意境 7

    4.3  烘托人物形象,描绘人物内心 7

    5  音乐与电影画面的有机结合 7

    结 论 9

    参考文献 10

    致谢 11

    1 引言


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