
    摘 要:本文以论创造性在音乐表演中的体现为研究对象,通过研究的论述得出:在每一次的音乐表演中,音乐表演者都应该在忠实于原作的基础上,充分发挥创造热情,调动自己音乐才能,娴熟运用专业技巧,体现自己的创造个性。处理好作品演绎中的传统风貌与现代观念相互渗透、作品精神共性和表演者情感个性的和谐统一、专业表演技巧和情感表达互为依托的三大的问题。注意音乐表演中创造性思维的培养:从培养音乐作品的艺术想象力入手,不断磨练专业技艺,精益求精,从一切接触到的事物中汲取营养,提高表演者的文化艺术修养。以清醒的自我认识,对音乐作品的独特见解,自己的专业条件和优势,用最佳表演方式,创造出独具个人魅力的表演风格。67091


    Abstract: The article focuses on researching the reflection of creativity in music performance.Through the discussion of research,it conclude that music performers should be based on “faithful to the original”in every music performance,then play creative enthusiasm fully and mobilize own music talent,finally reflect their own creation personality with professional skills.We need to deal with there major issues-mutual penetration between traditional style in interpretation of the works and modern concept,harmony in spirit generality of works and the performer emotional personality,professional acting skills and expression of feelings depend on with each other.Pay attention to the cultivation of creative thinking in music performance:starting from the cultivation of art imagination in music works,continuously training professional skills,making perfection more perfect,drawing nutrition from all things,to improve the cultural artistic accomplishment of the performer.With clear self-awareness,unique understanding of musical works and their own professional advantage,then using the best performance way to create personal charm.

    Keywords: Music performance,creativity, reflect and meaning 

    目   录

    1 前言 3

    2 创造性在音乐表演中的作用 3

    3 音乐表演创造性应遵循的原则 3

    3.1 平衡真实和艺术的关系 3

    3.2 平衡历史和现实的关系 3

    3.3 平衡技巧和情感的关系 4

    4 创造性在音乐表演中的体现 4

    4.1 体现时代性 4

    4.2 体现个性 5

    4.3 体现情感的拓展与深化 6

    5 注重音乐表演创造性的意义 6

    5.1 能够充分理解原作精神 6

    5.2 能够磨练娴熟技巧 7

    5.3 能够全面提高文化艺术修养 7

    结  论 8

    参 考 文 献 9

    致  谢 10

    1 前言


    2 创造性在音乐表演中的作用

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