    摘要: 在国外的运动品牌不断进入中国市场,国内本土的品牌也逐渐在整个市场上崭露头角的环境下,品牌的形象以及文化就变得尤为重要。这可以使消费者。到情感归属感和文化认同感,更能更好地促进消费增加商机,实现品牌的商业目的,品牌自身也更具有价值。
    Commercial sports brand display props Preliminary Design
    ——AIR JORDAN series of special equipment exhibition
    Abstract:  In foreign sports brand continuously to enter the Chinese market, domestic local brands also gradually rising in the whole market environment, the image of brand and culture becomes especially important. This can make consumers. To the emotional sense of belonging and cultural identity, can better promote consumption increase more business opportunities, implement brand business purposes, brand itself is more valuable.
    At home, especially in the coastal city of exhibition industry development is rapid, for example, cities like Shanghai, shenzhen, guangdong, relative to other cities, the development of the fast. Exhibits form is varied, the goods has become persified, also more and more wide range. In order to better display products, display of props, played a relatively important role. Its shape, structure, material, surface effect and craft that directly affect the display style, showing a way with exhibition, exhibition, exhibition board, shelves, so today to discuss the booth design of display props.
    Keywords: sports brand image, display props research, Commercial personalized display design
    一、绪论    4
    (一)研究的目的与意义    4
    (二)国内外研究的背景及发展情况    4
    1.国外发展情况    4
    2.国内发展情况    4
    (三)论文采用的研究方法与手段    5
    二、AIR JORDAN品牌形象与品牌文化    5
    (一)AIR JORDAN 品牌故事    6
    (二)AIR JORDAN 品牌形象    6
    三、同类运动品牌品展示设计调研    6
    (一)ADIDAS特装展位    7
    (二)安踏特装展位    7
    四、AIR JORDAN特装展示设计创意方案介绍    9
    (一)品牌形象在商业展示中可被运用和提炼的元素    9
    1.明星角色    9
    (二)设计定位与构想    10
    (三)设计简述与说明    11
    五、总结与展望    14
    751、致谢    15
    七、参考文献    15
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