    关键词: 生态、运动、休闲
    The master plan of the  Tianzhu  mountainpark landscape planning and designAbstract:
    City Sports Park Sports facilities will be the city park and the perfect combination of sports venues, not only provides a beautiful natural for people, but also improve the city green rate and ecological benefits.Therefore, in recent years in China begins to construct the city sports park. For example, in Southern China, China, Southeast China, the construction of City Sports Park is relatively fast, the city sports parkconstruction experience, and the rise of the city sports park constructiontide in the country, with outdoor sports, leisure green space for people in the city. The planning and design of the park is still at the stage of development, layout and landscape design to its function partition still lacka lot of practice.
     Key Words:ecology、movement、lie fallow
    目  录
    1  引言                                                                                                                     
    2  背景分析                                                            
    2.1  项目研究背景                                              
    2.2  项目研究意义                                                    
    3  基地现状分析                                                        
    3.1  区位分析                                                        
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