

    毕业论文关键字 生态公园规划设计  生态设计  城市“浅塘”生境  人工湿地自然化   地景艺术

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title The conceptual  land art design of ecological park in Hanshan County                   


    Ecological park is one of the emerging type of city parks in recent years, and the land art is a great manifestation of the local culture and innovation medium and carrier, this case from the perspective of conceptual design, at the same time consider a certain degree of feasibility, outstanding regional culture implanted into the foundation of the ecological design idea, culture and ecology coupling rate. In terms of ecological design, the author aimed at the case reality, adjust measures to local conditions to set up based on the latest technology and the concept planning and design, ecological land consolidation, based control scheme and measures such as water system; In terms of cultural factors, outstanding ling's beach culture is widely used in the macro and micro aspects of the park. As for cities habitat "pond", the author integrated plots of land and other factors, use the more advanced design methods at home and abroad, is coupled symbiotic ecology and culture in this case the best embodiment.

    Keywords  ecological park planning and design  ecological design   ecological niche of urban ‘shallow pond’    naturalization of constructed wetlands    land art

    1  引言 1

    1.1  项目名称及面积 1

    1.2  区域综合背景 1

    1.3  场地控制性规划 2

    1.4  场地定位 3

    2  场地现状与设计原则、理念 4

    2.1  场地周边环境分析 4

    2.2  场地内部环境分析 5

    2.3  存在的问题与挑战 7

    2.4  设计原则 8

    2.5  设计理念与分析 8

    3  生态公园概念设计表现 10

    3.1  概念总平图 10

    3.2  主要景观节点分析 11

    3.3  主要交通流线分析 11

    3.4  生态设计分析 12

    4  “浅塘”生境的设计手法 13

    4.1  “浅塘”生境的生态策略 14

    4.2   营造硬质人文空间氛围 16

    4.3  塑造软质生态游憩体验

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