

    关键词  滨水景观设计;干旱地区滨水景观设计;生态设计;地域文化

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    Waterfront Landscape Eco-design Research in Comprehensive Landscape Design Research of Ehuobulake coal mine of Xinjiang Tianshan Mining Industry Co.,Ltd.                     


    It is a sub-project of team project "Integrated Landscape Design Research of Ehuobulake coal mine of Xinjiang Tianshan Mining Industry Co.,Ltd. ".

    In such an arid area like Xinjiang,the waterfront has played the role of regulation in the eco-system of the whole region. In this paper, I focus on the design of waterfront in the Ehuobulake coal mine of Xinjiang Tianshan Mining Industry Co.,Ltd. Based on the concept of eco-design, I firstly investigate information about the climate type,natural conditions and the construction statusdeceny.Then, I sum up the site characterization and come up with the design strategy according to the existing problems.On the basis of restoring and improving the site, I also integrate art into design,like taking the native plants as well as the exist natural materials and construsction as the design elements in order to reflect the the culture of this area. This thesis mainly present the characteristics of the waterfront landscape of arid regions, principles of waterfront ecological design and related theory. Apart of them, plan and analysis of the entire waterfront venue, revetment, plant configuration and detail design of the three important nodes are designed.  

    Keywords  waterfront landscape design, waterfront landscape design in arid area , eco-design , local culture

    1  绪论1

    1.1 研究背景1

    1.2 研究目的与意义 1

    2  关于新疆干旱地区滨水景观生态设计 1

    2.1  新疆干旱地区的自然地理特征2

    2.2  新疆干旱地区滨水景观的特点2

    2.3  新疆干旱地区滨水设计中存在的问题 3

    2.4  干旱地区滨水生态设计的原则 5

    2.5  生态设计理论支持 6

    3  案例研究—新疆俄霍布拉克煤矿滨水设计 8

    3.1  项目概况 8

    3.2  场地特征 8

    3.3  设计定位 10

    3.4  方案的研究与演进 10

    3.5  设计策略 11

    3.6  总体设计 18

    3.7  节点设计 19

    结论 23

    致谢  24


    1 绪论

    1.1 研究背景


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