    Series Chinese cultural packaging design of cocktail
    Abstract:Xuzhou, the Han Emperor Liu Bang's hometown, is the birthplace of the Han Dynasty, making a positive contribution to the formation and development of Chinese culture . The Chinese wine culture and the Han culture contact closely and they have a long history. China is a country of wine culture and it originated very early. Along with the Chinese history , wine has developed into various regions, various ethnic groups, relating with art, literature, philosophy and etc. Therefore, wine is a kind of emotional commodity that satisfies people's spirit and needs . Wine and packaging are two mutual penetrated industries. The packaging of wine also reflects the cultural features.People who buy goods are paying more and more attention to the beauty and the national features of the product packaging. In terms of the wine packaging , no matter using what methods such as the pattern, font, color , from the point of the embodiment of the cultural packaging, we need to focus on its national nature. I choose the wine packaging as the carrier of Chinese cultural heritage in order to embody the Han folk tradition,through applying the unique characteristic elements of Hanfu and Han Dynasty moire to packaging so as to highlight the Xuzhou Han culture characteristics.
    Keywords:Chinese culture, wine container decoration design,  packaging design
    摘要    Ⅰ
    目录    Ⅲ
    第一章前言    5
    1.1课题设计的背景与意义    5
    1.2国内外果酒包装设计现状及水平    6
    1.2.1国外果酒设计现状    6
    1.2.2国内果酒设计现状    7
    第二章 汉民族文化元素    10
    2.1汉民族文化元素内涵    10
    2.2汉民族文化元素表现形式    10
       2.2.1汉代云气纹    10
    2.2.2汉服    12
    2.2.3崇尚黑色和红色    14
    第三章 汉民族文化元素在酒包装设计中的应用研究    15
    3.1包装设计与汉民族文化    15
    3.2制定设计方案策略    15
    3.3包装的视觉传达设计    16
    第四章 鸡尾酒包装系列设计方案    17
    4.1标志设计    18
    4.2虹鸡尾酒系列包装设计定稿方案设计    19
    4.2.1汉文化元素之一:汉服    19
    4.2.2汉文化元素之二:云气纹    20
    4.3虹鸡尾酒系列包装效果    20
        4.4瓶身造型效果图    22
    第五章 汉文化元素在酒包装设计中应用的方法及展望    23
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