



    毕业论文关键词:湿地公园 水景景观设计 海绵城市 

    The Water landscape design of ecological wetland park in Wuhan Jinkou's Phoenix palace

    Abstract:When doing the design of wetland landscape. beside thinking about the function of beauty, ecological function is also the most important things we need consider about.With the building of wetland parks, those wetlands can  get much cultural value, and they can get much beauty value as well. So that people could have fun and enjoy the sigh of wetlands well they can also do some scientific research.

    For the wetland landscape parks, over fifty percent of them are center in waterscape. This article is talking about the design of wetland parks waterscape to get much more describe of waterscape and emphasize the significance of hydrologic cycle. It summarizes the experience and theory. Since people could improve the use of water and combine plants landscape to create new animals' habitat and people' harmonious ecology landscape at the same time.

    On the water landscape design of wetland park: Phoenix Palace, this paper follows the principle of natural, adopted to protect the original wetland water cycle, water quantity, water quality of wetland park. It is directly influence to  the whole image of the wetland park. On the design of the wetland side, it sets up a natural transition area between water and land. In this area, there is a landscape bridge, it cohere with both side easily. For the design of edge line, it depends on natural curly shape. While, for the center landscape, it combines with the falling water square, fold water landscape and drainage landscape so that balanced the design and water circulation.

    Key words: Wetland Park, Landscape Design ,sponge City .


    1. 绪论4

    2. 基地状况分析

    2.1 基地区位分析4

    2.2 周边环境分析5

    2.3 基地现状人文资源分析5

    3. 设计理念与目的

    3.1 理念的缘起5

    3.2 设计目的6

    3.3 案例分析6

       3.3.1 六盘水明湖湿地公园6

    4. 设计手法与体现

    4.1 设计内容6

       4.2 设计方法7

       4.3 细部大样设计7

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