


      "University" Micro Film Creative Shooting and Post    Production

    Abstract: The paper mainly discusses the contents of this subject. Firstly, it illustrates the current situation and developing trend of micro film, Then summarizes the advantages of the micro film and tells different psychological change of the hero before and after the rename of her university, At first because the name of the school she shows a variety of inner dissatisfaction and regret, Her university renamed successfully after she graduated. After return to her university, she realized its Alma mater has already filled her growth. And she feels grateful to her Alma mater, After then, the thesis says about the process of video-taking and introduces the production process of this subject, it mainly uses Leawo to cut the video, and then put these videos together according to the the story plot, add some special effects, proper subtitle and so on. The last part of this essay is about the summary of the whole subject, including the difficulties encountered and the solutions of them.

    Keywords: Micro film; University; Post processing; Premiere

    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 2

    1 绪论 4

    1.1 设计的目的和意义 4

    1.2 国内外研究现状与水平 4

    1.3 发展趋势 5

    1.4 微电影的优点 5

    1.5 课题调研情况 6

    1.6 文献综述 6

    2 课题的内容与设计方法 8

    2.1 课题的基本内容 8

    2.2 课题的重点 8

    2.3 课题的难点 9

    2.4 课题的设计方法 9

    2.5 微电影拍摄的前期准备 10

    2.5.1 制作软件的选择 10

    2.5.2 素材的采集 10

    3 大学微电影制作的主要内容 12

    3.1 大学微电影的理念和功能 12

    3.1.1 剧情构思 12

    3.1.2 微电影的主要功能介绍 12

    3.2 课题的特效实现和介绍 13

    3.2.1 设计的特效和实现 13

    3.3 课题的主要设计内容和流程图

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