


    Plant landscape design for Fenghuangtai Ecological wetland park in Jinkou new district, Wuhan

    Abstract: The fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee put forward five development concepts "innovation, coordination, green, open, sharing". Sticking to the green development is the necessary conditions for the urban sustainable development. Putting the concept of green development in an important position can promote the establishment of green low-carbon development cycle system and build a strong ecological security barrier. Natural storage, natural infiltration, natural purification, which are clear definitions for the sponge City, also are conducive to the restoration of urban water ecology and water conservation. The planning area is located in Wuhan Jinkou district. The base near the Yangtze River is the most important feature of the planning. The planning area is a part of an industrial area. In the design, it contains the  transform the old factory and design the theme park as a wetland park at the same time. Wetland park is a social welfare ecological park with the functions of wetland protection and utilization, wetland research, ecological tourism, leisure and entertainment, etc. It has very important significance to improve the ecological condition and promote the sustainable development of the planning area. For plant design, it is pided into four major types: theme garden, wetland park, ecological plant, healing garden. Through four types of plant configurations, highlighting the Wuhan hallmark of cherry trees, ecological effects of the prominent wetland plants, highlight on patient recuperation function, plant highlight on ornamental and health functions for tourists. Carry out "add green" project in the city through a variety of plant configuration.

    Key words:Green development;Healing garden;Plant configuration;Wetland park

    目  录

    1 引言 - 1 -

    2 背景分析 - 1 -

    3 基地现状分析 - 2 -

    3.1区位分析 - 2 -

    3.2周边现状分析 - 3 -

    3.3基地现状物质空间环境分析 - 3 -

    4 设计理念与目的 - 4 -

    4.1理念缘起推导演绎 - 4 -


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