


    毕业论文关键词  历史文化遗产 景观整治 地域文化挖掘 历史风貌

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    Landscape designing and the protection of historical and cultural relic    _To Puli Town Wan Sheng rice merchants ' landscape as an example                                              

    Abstract At present, in the context of China's economic development as the Center, because of the excessive pursuit of economic growth in some areas, the development concept of a rugged, ignore the geographical protection of the historical and cultural heritage, leading to gradual loss of regional cultural landscape, local culture had been destroyed. On preservation and utilization of historical and cultural heritage issues such as domestic and foreign study of effective, gives us a reference to the theory and practice of reference.

    This combined both at home and abroad on history town protection of research results and Wan Sheng rice merchants ' site transformation of actual case, through analysis the base of history building, and space pattern, and hydrological features and geographical culture, status elements, pointed out that the base building rundown, and public facilities behind, and geographical culture and history context gradually lost, problem, through building protection, and landscape treatment, and geographical culture mining and using, means, again review Lu Zhi straight town Wan Sheng rice merchants ' of history culture value, protection its history style, Its liveability and the development of the recreation value, explore a town conservation of historic value with new approach to landscape design.

    Keywords     Historical and cultural heritage   Landscape renovation

                 Regional culture mining   The historical style

    1 引言.1

    2 研究的背景.1

    3 研究的目的及意义.1

    4 研究的历史与现状.2

    5 历史文化遗产的概念与分类.2

    6 历史文化遗产的保护措施及其设计原则.3

    7 苏州甪直古镇万盛米行旧址景观改造与设计案例.6






    7.2.1 空间格局.6

    7.2.2 建筑.7

    7.2.3 地形、水文.8

    7.2.4 交通状况.8

    7.2.5 植物配置.9  

    7.2.6 地域文化.9





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