    关键词:高速公路入口; 生态景观; 科技主旨
        As the entrance of a city, highway's landscape design is not only a image for a city but also the first impression to who come into the city.But in fact,many people ignore the importance of highway landscape design. Such problems as getting rid of garbage  and exhaust emission are emerging countinously. Under such circumstance of steady destruction of the environment, there is no benefit can be get from these resolutions. Thus, how to construct the entrance of highway is an issue remained to be discussed.

       During the period of constructing highways, high frequency of excavation works destroy the original natural structure of soil body, and have terrible influence on natural landscape and ecological environment. Superior landscape of highways not only facilitates environmental problems caused by the procedure of construction, but also beautifies the environment and enriches landscapes of highway. As crucial partial of highway, the quality of landscape greeningof entrance not only plays a vital role in the entire landscape, but more in the image of local town or areas. Therefore, we should place adequate enphasis on the landscape greening of highway of entrance and exit.
    Highway as the bridge to link the local material and information, which the afforestation has become an important part of the construction,Moreover the highway entrances landscape is the important node of the highway landscape.More and more people begin to concern our living environment with the ecological view,People should extend their understanding to connotation of highway landscape,which is not only the object for people's enjoyment or the earth's surface scenery without vitality.
    In period of highway construction,huge amount of excavation and borrowing earth destroy the original nature structure of soil,which leads to a serious damage to the nature landscape and ecological environment.A nice highway landscape not only help to improve the environment problems by highway constructing but also beautify the highway's environment and richen the landscape.Entrances of highway as an important node of the highway,its merits are not only connect with the effect of whole highway landscape as it relates to the image of the city or region.Therefore,the landscape of highway entrances and exits should be paid enough attention.
    renovation project about surrounding landscape of highway's entrance and exit in Ningdong new town is be titled of universe.Emphasis on the style of "the modern science" assisted with series of local plants which is all for chasing the oneness of nature and science.As while the construction supplies a high quality activity area for residents,covering children activity area,library,training area and so on,which solve the problems of residents' requests for fun.
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