

    毕业论文关键词:公共绿地  出入口  景观设计

    City public green entrance landscape design analysis

    Abstract:Nowadays in city public green space, the entrance landscape design has become a very important design content, it not only directly connected to the green space and the external environment, but also people access to city public green space must go through the road. With the accelerated pace of the city construction, we should pay attention to these details of the design. The entrances of city public green space not only to improve and to enrich the whole environment public green space, but also to improve the quality of public green space. The entrances as the connection point of the public green space and the outside street, it not only beautify the public green space , but also increase its characteristic and attractive, and even in the city's public green space to bring prosperity and vitality. This article through specific case studies and a large number of samples analysis to find out now city public green entrance landscape design problem, and propose appropriate measures and improvement ,the city public green entrance so not only as a green entrance, but also can better integrate into the green, and it has also become one of the green space attractions.

    KeyWords:public green space   gateway   landscape design

    目  录

    1  序言 4

    1.1  本课题的意义与目的 4

    1.2  本课题的研究方式 4

    2  当前城市公共绿地出入口景观设计现状与存在的问题 4

    2.1  入口景观设计现状 4

    2.2  城市公共绿地出入口景观设计存在的问题 4

    2.2.1  整体设计的不协调 4

    2.2.2  不注重功能 4

    2.2.3  设计风格单一、不能体现公园特色 5

    2.3  城市公共绿地出入口景观的功能 5

    2.3.1  出入口的特点 5

    2.3.2  交通问题 5

    2.3.3  标志与象征 5

    2.3.4  划分不同景区的作用 5

    3  城市公共绿地出入口景观的设计形式及设计重点 6

    3.1  公共绿地出入口景观的设计形式 6

    3.1.1  常见的大门形式 6

    3.1.2  水景 6

    3.1.3  植物

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