

    毕业论文关键词: 滨水景观;城市发展;生态;

     Urban waterfront landscape design research 

    Abstract: Study the waterfront landscape as the center, the system of urban waterfront landscape orientation, development, geographical conditions and features of research and through access to live in the city waterfront and use requirements of activities surrounding the people, to study the feeling of the ground.On the basis of the theory of environmental psychology science were analyzed and discussed.How to use in the development of the city waterfront to optimize improving ecological living environment, make the residents living in the city is closer to nature.Let the waterfront landscape is practical and innovative combination of beautiful sex, make its blends with the local culture, driving around economic development, and to a certain amount of commercial and cultural elements is blended in among them, promote human settlements, environment, culture, local economy common development.Finally, combining with the excellent cases, analysis and summed up the waterfront environment and design combined with the necessity and importance of  

    open space, and finally puts forward a set of system for the development of the urban waterfront landscape theory.

    Keywords:Waterfront landscape; Urban development; Ecological

    目  录

    一. 绪论  3

    (一) 研究的目的与意义  3

    (二) 研究的内容与方法  3

           1. 研究内容  3

           2. 研究方法  5


    (一) 滨水景观特点  5

    (二) 滨水景观设计原则  5

              1.亲水性原则  5


          3.人性化原则 6

          4.抗灾防洪原则 6

          5.生态性原则 6

    三.论述并分析成功案例 5

    (一)  巴黎塞纳河畔  6

    (二)  纽约曼哈顿布鲁克林大桥公园 7

    四.总结并展望  8

    致谢  8

    参考文献  9





    1. 研究内容


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