
    摘 要:随着城市化步伐的加快,场地的开发使得绿地中的不透水面扩张日益加剧,再者由于城市中的雨水处理方法主要“以排为主”,这样的排水系统是不太健全的,一旦暴雨来临的程度超过城市本身所能承受得排水能力,则会导致资源、环境、生态、社会等多重问题。所以绿地的开发要遵循保护自然水文循环的可持续发展的法则已然成为国际共识。低影响开发(Low Impact Development)是城市雨水管理的一种全新概念,基于对场地本身开发的的保护,倡导维持或恢复场地本身的自然水文功能,并采取对源头小规模、分散式的控制措施对雨水排水进行综合性的管理。LID切合国家所倡导的可持续发展的要求,对中国走可持续发展之路具有重要的指导意义。57953



    Study on urban green space hydrological design based on low impact development

    Abstract:With the acceleration of the pace of urbanization, the development of the site makes green impervious surface expansion increasing. Furthermore due to urban stormwater treatment methods mainly "discharge", such drainage system is imperfect, once the storm comes more than the city itself can withstand the drainage capacity, lead to the problem of multiple resources, environment, ecology, society. Therefore, the development of green space to follow the law of sustainable development of natural hydrological cycle has become an international consensus. Low impact development is a new concept of urban stormwater management, based on the protection of the site development, advocate to maintain or restore the site itself on the natural hydrological function and take on small source size, dispersion type control measures for comprehensive management of the rainwater drained water. LID meet the requirements of sustainable development, which is advocated by the state, which has an important guiding significance for China to take the road of sustainable development.

       This article is based on Shanghai Pudong New Area Yijiayuan green space for example,through investigation and analysis of the site of topography, surface runoff, combined with the analysis of the early site in all aspects and based on the concept of low impact development,again on the site of the terrain, stormwater management facilities and other aspects to make reasonable transformation, formulates suits should the stormwater management strategy plan for the Greenville, the hydrological design goals of green space and to make a reasonable expectation.

    Key words:  low impact development(LID); landscape ; green space ;hydrological design

    目  录

    第1章  绪论 1

    1.1研究背景 1

    1.1.1国内城市面临着的雨水过剩问题 1

    1.1.2国家对低影响开发理念在雨洪管理应用上的鼓励和推广 1

    1.1.3上海市基于低影响开发雨洪管理的现状 2

    1.2研究意义 2

    第2章 场地(宜嘉苑)现状分析 3

    2.1研究绿地的区域分析 3

    2.2宜嘉苑地形地貌条件 3

    2.3 宜嘉苑绿地地表径流现状分析

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