





    Abstract:In 1980s, environmental awareness has been China academic germination, many architects including artists feel the influence of environment on the psychological concept, so in the artistic creation and Exhibition on the emergence of many new forms of art, in the architectural design also appeared a new design concept.

      In the new period, the environment consciousness and environment idea will change a little, and it is evolving constantly. In 1980s, we talked about environmental awareness, more for the lack of things of that era, and more on human nature, but today it is not simply human nature, but something more complex.

      Environment refers to the surroundings that influence people and make them feel their strength from the aspects of material, system and psychology. It contains natural and social cultural environment. The natural environment is usually made up of the natural topography, landscape, natural resources and climate of the land. Social cultural environment refers to the sum total of all external factors created by human beings that affect the behavior of human groups or inpiduals. It includes cultural background, historical background, social environment, economic environment, building environment and so on.

      Environmental consciousness since ancient times have been possible in ancient times people fear of the environment in more work and creative activities of psychology.

    KeyWords:Interior design, tea room, space, decoration, lighting







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