


    Briefly on the Role of Green Space in Medical Rehabilitation

    Abstract: The construction and design of medical space should not only include the indoor medical space, but also should include the outdoor medical space, the indoor and outdoor medical space as a complete design object area to think. And medical rehabilitation is unique to the medical space and is one of the main functions. Improving the medical rehabilitation function of a medical space is one of the most important and important goals in medical space design. Green space is based on the human-oriented "human space" this request derived from the request. There is a positive relationship between green space and medical rehabilitation, green space into the medical outdoor space design is necessary, and green space can effectively improve the rehabilitation of a medical space, and a medical space quality. With the gradual development of society, improve the quality of life in the hospital also need to consider. This is not only conducive to the construction of the hospital itself, but also conducive to people in their space environment experience. This article will briefly describe the green space for medical space inside the rehabilitation effect.

    Key words: green space; medical rehabilitation; environmental psychology; hospital landscape design; medical space


    一、  绪论 1

    (一) 课题的背景 1

    (二) 课题研究的方法 1

    二、  基础理论综述 1

    (一) 绿色空间的定义 1

    (二) 医疗空间及医疗康复空间 2

    1、 医疗空间的定义  2 

    2、 医疗空间中的医疗康复  2

    3、 医疗景观设计的特殊性  2

    (三) 绿色空间在医疗康复中的作用 3

    1、 绿色空间对于医疗康复的空间优化作用  3

    2、 绿色空间对于医疗康复的环境心理作用  3

    3、 绿色空间对于医疗康复的时代性作用  4

    三、 小结 4

    四、 课题设计构想 4

    (一) 前期分析 4

    1、 场地环境以及现状分析  4

    2、 设计所服务人群构想  5

    3、 设计所需要解决的问题  5


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