
    摘要: 游戏,是目前最大众化的娱乐之一,3D游戏成为了目前设计含量较高的项目之一,本次课题所运用的Unity3d软件是一个3D游戏开发工具,包括了图形,音频,物理效果等一系列引擎的支持,非常适合游戏开发63438


    毕业论文关键词: 游戏设计;Unity3D;跑酷游戏

    The Role and Scene Design of the Leisure Game Based on Unity

    Abstract: Game, is one of the most popular entertainment, 3D games become the current design of one of the higher content of the project used in this issue Unity3d software is a 3D game development tools, including graphics, audio, physical effects And a series of engine support, very suitable for game development.

    This article aims to use Unity3d engine and a series of other software, design a casual game. Through the investigation and analysis of the current types of games, found in the game, images, special effects and other aspects of the problem, to the current game sales and heat analysis, to understand the current gamers interested in what kind of game, and In view of its proposed game design. In the design process, the unity of the main software, 3dsmax supplemented by the scene for the game and the role of animation to create, Photoshop for texturing, and ultimately to achieve a complete 3D game.

    Key words: game design; Unity3D; cool game


    摘要 i

    Abstract iii

    目录 iii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题介绍 1

    1.1.1 本课题的目的和意义 1

    1.2 文献查阅 1

    1.2.1 文献综述 1

    2 课题研究 3

    2.1 本课题的基本内容、重点、难点 3

    2.1.1 本课题的基本内容 3

    2.1.2 本课题的重点,难点 4

    2.2 解决问题的方法、手段、措施等 4

    2.2.1 拟采取的方法和技术 4

    2.2.2 拟定设计方案 4

    2.2.3 游戏设计素材的采集和处理 5

    2.2.4 具体设计与制作 5

    2.2.5 集成和调试 5

    2.2.6 选择的工具 5

    3 调研

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  2. 下一篇:基于Unity3D的塔防类手机游戏设计
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