
    摘要:在如今的注意力经济时代,各个企业都重视产品的包装,希望能用产品的包装来吸引消费者的注意力,让消费者产生购买行为,本文从消费者注意力这个角度,以盼洁礼品鞋包装为例来分析绿色包装的重要意义,对盼洁企业的绿色包装设计的开展方向进行了研究,分析了盼洁礼品鞋在绿色包装的发展存在的问题以及解决的措施,提出了绿色包装的重要性,强调我们在确保包装功能的前提下,使用循环和再生利用可降解的包装材料,提倡绿色生产,倡导绿色包装,然而企业在发展经济的过程中,并没有重视绿色包装,这对自然环境所造成的破坏等问题也逐渐显现出来。绿色包装不仅不会对环境造成危害,反而保护生态环境充分利用资源、能源,促进企业经济发展。全社会必须重视绿色包装,制定有利于绿色包装发展的法律法规,提倡绿色消费。 69642


    Abstract:This paper introduces the concept of green packaging, from the consumer attention point of view, to clean the gift packing shoes as an example to analyze the significance of green packaging, to look forward to clean the enterprise the development trend of green packaging design was studied, and analyzed the gift to clean shoes in the development of green packaging existing problems and solving measures, put forward the importance of green packaging, should develop green packaging, advocating green consumption, emphasize on the premise of ensuring packaging function, we use the use of biodegradable packaging materials circulation and regeneration. Enterprises in the process of economic development, however, does not pay attention to green packaging, the damage to the natural environment caused by problems also gradually revealed. Instead of green packaging not only won't cause harm to the environment, protect the ecological environment make full use of resources, energy, promote enterprise economic development. The whole society must pay attention to green packaging, conducive to the development of green packaging laws and regulations, advocate green consumption.

    Keywords:Attention and attention economy, green packaging, problems and countermeasures

    目  录

    一、引言 3

    二、注意力经济 4

    (一)注意力经济概念 4

    (二)注意力的基本特征 4

    三、绿色包装的概念 5

    四、盼洁礼品鞋绿色包装影响消费者注意力的视觉要素 6

    (一)绿色包装的视觉图形影响消费者的注意力 6

    (二)绿色包装文字影响消费者的注意力 6

    (三)包装色彩影响消费者的注意力 7

    (四)绿色包装造型影响消费者的注意力 7

    (五)绿色包装材料影响消费者的注意力 8

    五、盼洁礼品鞋绿色包装分析 8

    (一)实行包装减量化 8

    (二)采用可易于回收利用的材料 8

    (三)包装材料无毒无害 9

    (四)包装废弃物易于降解 9

    六、盼洁礼品鞋包装存在的问题及措施 9


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