


    毕业论文关键词  学龄前儿童   家具设计  人机尺寸   娱乐   安全性


    Title   Design of Children Furniture  


        As people’s living standard is improving constantly with rapid economic development, education is also being popularized and more and more attention is paid to life quality and pre-school education of children. Children’s furniture accompanies their growth, which is like a partner in their life, entertainment and learning. In accordance with China’s national conditions, children generally start school at the age of 7. So, it is more appropriate that children between the age of 3 and 7 are described as preschoolers. Play is recognized as a nature of preschoolers, which helps to develop their mental and psychical abilities. Furniture design for them should highlight the recreational features as much as possible so that they can acquire and reinforce their operational ability and obtain intellectual development. Since preschoolers’ furniture is classified as children’s products, it is necessary to consider in design whether it is safe, whether its ornamental style can stimulate preschoolers’ interest, and whether it is natural, non-toxic and harmless.

        In this paper, an analysis is made on the status quo of children’s furniture market, children’s physical characteristics and the characteristics of behavior and habit development, and theories of children’s furniture design. And on the basis of the above analysis, design preschoolers’ furniture with its design process focusing on psychological feeling that the connection structure and materials of furniture, and human factors bring to preschoolers, during which an ability of combining design theory and practice is enhanced.

    Keywords   Preschool children    Furniture design    Human factors           Entertainment       Safety

      目   次  

    1  引言 1

    1.1  课题简介 1

    1.2  研究对象的界定 2

    1.3  课题目标 2

    1.4  课题研究的意义 2

    1.5  设计解决的现实中的问题 3

    1.6  制定时间表 3

    2  研究过程和理论依据 4

    2.1  课题研究方法及流程 4

    2.2  现有儿童家具类型分析 4

    2.3  学前儿童发展特征 6 

    2.4  设计中需要考虑的因素 8

    2.5  实践调研及结果11

    3  设计方案阐述11

    3.1  设计方法研究11

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