


    毕业论文关键词  软装饰  室内设计  装饰艺术  装饰材料


    Title    Talking about the importance of the design of soft decoration in interior design                 


    With the development of modern science and technology and the increasing standard of living, people for home furnishing decoration not only satisfied with the pursuit of luxury and copying style, is more personalized expression, home furnishing atmosphere, fashionable design requirements. Because the decorative materials development update, "light decoration, the decoration" this concept is proposed, aimed at basic decoration simple, focus on the furnishings and decoration, with the soft decoration to create personalized space has become a new and fashionable home furnishing decoration ideas.

    The so-called "soft decoration", refers to the use of those easy change, easy to change the decoration and furniture, such as curtains, decorative painting, cushion, table cloth, process for furnishings and layout of the room. These home furnishing decoration is to create the atmosphere of home furnishing punchline, it breaks the traditional definition of decoration industry, handicrafts, textiles, the collection, lamps and regroup, the formation of a new idea. 

    Keywords  Soft decoration Interior design Decorative art Decoration materials

    1  引言 2

    1.1  课题简介与设计目标 2

    1.2  软装饰的概念与特点 2

    1.2.1  软装饰的概念 2

    1.2.2  软装饰设计的特点 3

    1.3  室内软装饰设计的作用 3

    1.3.1 改善空间形态 3

    1.3.2 柔化室内感受 3

    1.3.3 表现空间意向 3

    1.3.4 烘托室内环境的气氛 4

    1.3.5 强化室内空间的风格 4

    1.3.6 调节室内环境色调 4

    1.3.7 体现室内环境的地域特色 4

    1.3.8 表述个性爱好 4

    2  软装饰设计在中国 5

    3  软装饰设计在 室内设计中的研究应用 5

    3.1  软装饰设计的启迪 6

    3.2  软装饰设计与室内设计 6

    3.2.1 融入环境,浑然天成 6

    3.2.1 成为冲突,点亮空间

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