


    Abstract:Community residents can independently participate in community activities is an important index to measure the success of community construction. This paper of Huaian city within the jurisdiction of the field survey, based on the sample data of 225 residents questionnaire and sampling, community to the community participation of residents willingness to participate were quantitatively analyzed and compared. A preliminary discussion is made on the by the relationship between the community in hardware and software facilities construction two residents and willingness to participate. And according to the obtained data were to analyze the reasons, and puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to promote the urban 

    residents to participate in community, it will be helpful to the development to the community participation and community building.

    Keywords:community participation, community construction, hardware facilities, software facilities


    1 引言 2

    2 研究综述 2

    3 研究设计 3

    3.1 研究方法 4

    3.2 问卷设计 4

    4 数据分析 4

    4.1 居民的基本信息 4

    4.2 居民社区参与的整体情况 5

    4.3 社区的硬件设施对于居民的参与意愿的影响 7

    4.4 社区软件建设对于居民参与意愿的影响 8

    5 探究与思考 9

    5.1 居民的社区认可意识与高频的社区参与行为的不匹配 9

    5.2 实质利益性的社区建设相对较少 9

    5.3 重硬件轻软件的错误的社区规划 10

    5.4 社区软件建设的职能退化 10

    结论 11

    参考文献 12

    致  谢 13

    附录 城市居民社区参与意愿调查问卷 14

    1 引言



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