

    毕业论文关键词  公共环境  社区  休闲空间  尺度适宜  个性要求


    Title    Public Community environmental space design                  

    Abstract Refers to all public environment can affect the daily life, study and work or be able to provide services for the people of the total material and spiritual environment. Along with social progress and economic standards improve, people work, social work and housework time continue to decrease, these are people from the objective to promote the activities of the increase in demand, thus indicating a non-public space or community environment missing, which requires us to the concept of community public space environment have a new understanding and a profound understanding should be designed to meet the needs of people as the focus, creating appropriate scale, functional convenient, comfortable and pleasant humane space environment .

    Keywords  Public environment  Community  Leisure space  Appropriate scale Inpidual requirements

    1 引言 1

    1.1  课题简介与设计目标 1

    1.1.1  课题简介 1

    1.1.2  设计目标 2

    1.2 现状及发展趋势 2

    1.2.1  现状分析 2

    1.2.2  发展趋势 3

    2 设计流程及原则 4

    2.1  时间安排 4

    2.2  区域环境分析 4

    2.3  设计原则 5

    2.3.1  节约型生态性原则 5

    2.3.2  文化性 5

    2.3.3  特色性 6

    2.3.4  整体性 6

    2.3.5  个性化原则 6

    2.3.6  时尚型原则 6

    2.3.7  经济性原则 6

    2.3.8  适低适数及植物多样性原则 6

    2.4  设计理念 7

    2.4.1  设计思考 7

    2.4.2  展望设计理念 7

    2.  5景观设计主题 7

    3  具体设计方案 8

    3.1  景观设置 8

    3.1.1  园区的绿化 9

    3.1.2  建筑的说明 9

    3.1.3  亮化、声音设计 10

    3.1.4  道路系统

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