


    毕业论文关键词  老龄化 社区 公共空间设计

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    The Design Of Elderly Community Public Space                                 

    Abstract As the approximation of an ageing society in our country,the attention for the elderly people's is higher and higher,and now it is lacking in the consideration of the design of the elderly's needs in urban park green space.In this paper,based on the green square several community present situation investigation,and from the elderly physiological,psychological change and so on,studying the needs of the elderly outdoor activities,from the angle of the environmental psychology,ergonomics,park plaza design to the design of the community elderly outdoor activity space for analysis.

    Types of outdoor activities for the elderly,and community outdoors activity space is mainly pided into the fitness space,communication space and open space,in this paper,I will make in-depth research and analysis to these three kinds of space.At the same time,during the detail design of the guidance system,public facilities configuration,I will make fully consider of the old people in the physiological and psychological characteristics.

    Keywords  aging  community  public space design














     4.2方案初期 10

     4.3方案中期 12

     4.4方案后期 14

     结论 15 

     致谢 16 


    1  引言

    1.1.  我国的老龄化趋势

    联合国教科文组织对于老龄化社会的规定,一个国家或地区60岁以上的人口达到这个国家或地区的10%以上,或者65岁以上人口达到这个国家或地区的7%以上,那么就意着这个国家或地区进入了老龄化社会。 进入21世纪,我国也面临人口快速老龄化和老年人口高龄化的巨大挑战。据中国社科院最新调查数据显示,于1950年代到1970年代生育率高峰期出生的人们,在未来三十年将全部变成老年人。截止到2020年我国老龄人口就要达到2.48亿,这将要比整个欧洲的老龄人口还要多。而到2050年,我国的老年人将达到全国总人口的30%,超过4亿,其中需要重点照顾的80岁以上的老人就达到1.03亿。总体看来,我国的老龄化问题已经成了不可小觑的社会关注的焦点问题,并且是我国经济转型期中一个不容忽视的问题。

    1.2  社会养老模式和对老年人的关注

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