

    毕业论文关键词  儿童房 字母 色彩 乐趣 

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title         AZ Home Decoration Design                                

    Abstract The topic of this graduation design is the proposition design .In order to "AZ household adornment design" as the theme,Concrete is given priority to with home decorate children room design.  From baby to teenager, Children must be in the growth in the relaxed and happy environment. Reason for the name "AZ" home decorations design, is to use the letters as basic elements of its original shape for a breakthrough, changing the way the original letter, and with the color combinations. The letter presented is not the same shape. Materials using recycled materials as much to my design materials, analyze the characteristics of the material, to be combined for the deletion of creation, made with modern decorations. Intended to achieve environmental protection. Main purpose is to cultivate children's discovery and creation of things capabilities.

    Keywords      Children room    Alphabet Color  Fun  

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    2  课题研究背景及设计目标 1

    2.1  课题研究背景 1

    2.2  设计目标 2

    2.3  课题的现实意义 9

    3  儿童房家居装饰品设计发展现状分析 2

    3.1  使用的材料分析 2

    3.2  功能分析 4

    3.3  设计案例分析 5

    4  研究过程与设计思路 8

    4.1  设计的定位 8

    4.2  设计对象的选定及调查 8

    4.3  设计的过程 11

    5  色彩分析 13

    5.1  色彩与功能使用 13

    5.2  色彩与形态分析 14

    5.3  色彩与空间分析 14

    6  设计方案阐述 15

    6.1  “AZ”品牌设计 15

    6.2  以“AZ”为品牌的装饰设计品介绍 15

    结  论 20

    致  谢 21

    参考文献 22

    1 绪论


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